Thank you for all the lovely heartwarming comments on my last post. It is a surreal experience and having your affirmation of my experience made it all the more special.
It has been a nice holiday. I have really enjoyed the break from scrambling to get orders made and sent. I spent a week just being. I read 2 3/4 of the three books in the Twilight series. Let me tell you-such fun reading. I switched my choice for my book club book to Twilight. I am hoping that all my buddies will enjoy reading it as much as I did.
On my break I also got to watch project runway first season - all but the last 2 episodes (my sil got it for Xmas-we tried staying up all night to watch it all but both got too sleepy to finish). I watched the movie Once which was really great. The music reminded me of Radiohead and the Weepies. Two of my favorite groups. My husband enjoyed it too. We got the soundtrack as a gift for Xmas:)
I also got a business book I am starting to read as well as an interesting Chinese healing book.
My sister in law bought me a huge assortment of wonderful Roobis and earl Grey loose teas. i love them-but it is quite funny to see the lengths I have to go to make it since we apparently threw out the tea ball we had by accident.
I find myself dragging my feet so to speak in terms of getting back into business. I feel almost like it is a trouble making friend that once I start hanging out with again-will drag me away from my other responsibilities. I have been thinking of ways to make the business more organized. This includes doing things in bigger chunks. I will spend the next week making new products-taking pictures, packaging them, labeling them and then writing the listings in Word. Then that will be it for assembly except for custom pendants I plan on offering again this month.
I now go to the couch to watch Noggin while sorting through my records to prep for taxes. FUN!
I'm dragging my feet business-wise too! Ugh. I'm just trying to roll with it and do my best when I feel like it. :)
take off another week...and just spoil yourself..do things YOU like! Just do it...you deserve it...life (and business) will still be there in a week's time...I dare you! xx
Yeah, wait until after New Years to start pushing yourself. Enjoy some down time. ;)
ox :)
I'm glad taxes isn't due till april here, so it can wait a bit.
Wish you a marvelous new year, may all your dreams comes true!!!
happy happy new year!
i am definitely still walking around as if still on vacation. i'm trying to be gentle on myself, and you should too!
Not too long ago, I purchased a carousel picture and a "cotton candy" pendant from your etsy shop. I want you to know, your talent with the lens has made a difference to me. I wear that pendant to remind me to embrace the sweetness of life, the fun of life, the things I have unintentionally been denying myself.
Your talent is a gift, a gift I took into my home and have been soothed and changed by.
Organize, expand and keep putting love into your business. You are making a difference. Happy 2008!
HAPPY NEW YEAR(SOON) LITTLE DARLIN'!!! to YOU and YOURS!!!! Love and prayers, Cinda ((((Thea))))WOOT! WOOOOOOOOT!!!
Happy New Year honey. So glad that you got and enjoyed this down time. :-)
May 2008 bring you much magic and joy.
Love to you.xoxox
hi, i've been following you a bit via denise (boho girl) and just wanted to say i'm so inspired by your brave pursuit of making a career as a photographer, as well as your other artistic talents. i am on that path myself, just beginning, and toggle between excited and scared to death at the thought of organizing it in a real way and getting paid for it.
i also appreciate your honesty and openness about your struggles as well as your accomplishments.
best to you this year. :) xoxo
Happy New Year! What a wonderful way for you to kick it off, yes? By relaxing?
The elephant & be brave rings made it to my daughter and she is so in love with them - thank you for sharing your talent!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I am glad to have discovered yours. I will be stopping by regularly. By the way, your pendants are lovely. I am going to visit your shop next. Happy New Year!
Thea! Congrats on your show...BRAVO! I enjoyed watching you laugh a few posts back. Have a SUPER 2008! XXOO
wishing you all the best for a 2008 filled with love and laughter :) xox
sounds like a lovely break, sweetie.
sending you wishes for a magical new year!!!
love and hugs.
You Speak with your camera!
Sandra Evertson
Happy "be-me-day"! Something for you here:
Wishing you a belated Happy New Year sweetie! So glad to hear you got some time to relax and just be - you so deserved that. Wishing you much joy and inspiration for 2008 xoxo
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