
Trio - these are now offered in my shop as 5x7 and 10x14

My mind is all a blur. My son is off at his Grandma and Granpa's today. There is so much I want to do with this free time, yet I am having a hard time figuring out what to do first. S when in doubt-Thea edits pictures:)

Itis cold and a bit damp here today. I am going to put on pandora to hopefully lift my mood. I have every reason to be happy with all this alone time. (It's funny how a few hours is "all this alone time"-it just feels decadent to me I guess.


Blogger Michelle (a.k.a. la vie en rose) said...

i love the soft feel of these images

10/26/2007 2:31 PM  
Blogger Silvia said...

Love these pictures! ENjoy your free time. Don't worry to much about what to do, just enjoy the now :)

10/26/2007 3:22 PM  
Blogger Stacy said...

beautiful honey. xoxo

10/26/2007 6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

They are beautiful....so glad that I was able to hear your beautiful voice honey...love you...have a great weekend.

10/26/2007 8:29 PM  
Blogger swissmiss said...

You know, my son goes to his grandparents' every Wednesday, and I've noticed that when I spend ten minutes Tuesday night thinking about how to use that day, I use it...and when I don't like you say I can't figure out what to do first, how to use the the time, where to begin...

10/27/2007 4:18 AM  
Blogger Shaz said...

Beautiful pictures Thea and enjoy put your feet up and love it xx

10/27/2007 5:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love these images, love sets of three. a few hours is all i need too. xo

10/27/2007 3:40 PM  
Blogger turquoise cro said...

Sweet pics my sweet gal!!! HOPE YOU had a sweet time alone! I still cherish time alone! Sweet Dreams! ((((((Thea))))))

10/27/2007 10:45 PM  
Blogger Jessie said...

thea, your artwork is so full of energy these days. and it is so incredibly beautiful! but they're not just about pretty things...they are images and words that speak directly to the soul. you have a gift for getting past the surface, my dear. it is a pleasure watching you grow as an artist. and so inspiring, too!

10/28/2007 10:29 AM  
Blogger madelyn said...

I love alone time -
it's that necessary space outside
that gives space inside - and makes
me so much more generous and loving to everyone around me -
I love your photo series here -
they are very fairy-light and

Have a lovely day:)

10/28/2007 7:45 PM  
Blogger daisies said...

so beautifully soft :) i hope you enjoyed your free time ... how wonderful :)

10/30/2007 12:33 AM  

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