Well I am officially 36. It feels the same as 35. LOL.
My birthday was nice. My lovely yummy husband gave me a certificate to a full day spa. I can't wait to use it:) I listened to Justin Timberlake while shooting some supermodels (orchids and gerbera daisies) for my new spring collection that should be out in a week or so-more on that in another post. In the afternoon my friend and I took the kids to the gym/family center we just joined and brought the kids in the pool/water park. Then we met our husbands at her house for pizza and wings.
The night before some of my closest girlfriends took me out for Sushi. It was so relaxing and nice to be out with the girls. Girl time is so rejuvenating.
Maybe because I transferred into my 4 year college in my sophomore year, and didn't live on campus, and started grad school a bit later than my peers, I have always lacked a group of friends I could get together with just to hang out. I usually had a few close friends but none of them really knew each other and were all quite different as people and in their stage of life. My first year at home with my son, my friend Genine (closest on the left)and I (we met in grad school), made new friends, that happen to all have children very close in age. Through get togethers , play dates and dinners 5 of us have bonded and become very close and our husbands like each other too. It is something I have dreamed of for a long time and am so happy to have in my life now. I waited a long time and had to step out of my comfort zone and ignore silly insecurities to be a part of this group, but by being open and honest with each other we have become really close and it is so lovely. There is one close friend that we all miss-she had to move away because of her husbands new job, but she still comes to visit for our book club.
As a prior loner (and present people person that still needs/values alone time)I never knew it would be possible to feel this comfortable in a group of friends. I tribute much of my bravery to this online community and this lovely group that I got to meet in Seattle last year. By being open and honest on my blog, and receiving acceptance and warmth, I got courage and faith that I could find like minded individuals in my area as well.
I must say though that there was a 9 -1 2 month period of trying to bond with new people that just didn't end up lasting or clicking. It could be pretty discouraging at times. Genine and all of the amazing friends I have made through blogging really kept me grounded and able to handle those times of discomfort and feelings of rejection.
There are so many of you that I wish lived closer, who I would have adored having at dinner that evening. You are some of my dearest closest friends and I think of you all the time.
Awww....Thea:) I miss you guys so much, you look like you had a great time. All of you look fantastic. I can't wait to see you guys for our next book club.
I am dying for New Moon to come into the library so I can see what happens...
you look beautiful, honey - and your smile is telling me how happy you were.... Happy birthday, my friend.. i miss you xoxox
Happy Birthday Thea!!!!!!! It sounds like it was a great day!!! I hope this year brings you much happiness, joy, dancing, singing, and fun. Here's to you!
Happy Birthday honey, you look so pretty! You sound good - I'm happy for you. xoxo
Happy Birthday! This is supposed to be a fabulous year for us Caps! ;) This post resonates deeply with me...since I've struggled in our new town (which isn't so new anymore--2-1/2 years) with finding like-minded souls. Cheers to blogging tribes that fill in the gaps!
Happy Birthday!!!!!! I just love the energy that shines from that picture!
happy birthday chickadee.
how absolutely wonderful :) glad your birthday was so much fun and so full of smiles and birthday magic and yummy spa day in your future ~ sooo fun!! xox
happy birthday my love.
your smile DOES emulate happiness.
this warms my heart.
such a gift to me.
wait...its YOUR bday...you're not supposed to give ME a gift.
hee hee.
i love you.
toe to toe
you look so HOT at 36 years young.
What an inspiring story for me. In high school I had a really great group of female friends, but since then I have never found a group again and I really want to! I am fortunate to have made a few close friends since I have moved here to Cape Cod 6 years ago, but no group has formed. (I know them all through different things)
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday you Beautiful Woman! I am so glad it was good and full of friends for you. :)
I am a lot like you say. I wish I had a closer group of friends that lived near me, and had more in common. I would love that!
happy birthday gorgeous girl!!! you look positively beaming in this photo with your girls. you make 36 look superfine! love and kisses. xoxo
i wish i was closer too!
i am so glad you enjoyed your birthday,
and spent it with folks who know what a gem you are. :)
i also could relate to how hard it is sometimes to find those like-minded souls...i guess it just makes it all the sweeter when you do find them.
wishing you a year of beauty, love, creativity, art, play, laughter, peace, and friendship.
with love,
mccabe x
Happy belated Birthday Thea! I'm so glad for you and was so inspired by your post. Me too I'm a loner that needs a lot of time to myself but I need to put some courage and trust into new friendships when we move sometime at the end of the year. My new blog friends including you mean so much to me, it's the first time I feel comfortable in a 'group' and have found several people that I really connect with. So happy to be on this journey with you. xoxo
Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy belated birthday dearest one! Love the photo, it looks like a wonderful time...You are glowing, as always! xxxooo
happy happy birthday!
I wish I was one of those people who lived close to you so we could have some girl time.
love to you.
Definitely, what a fantastic website and informative posts, I will bookmark your website.Have an awsome day!
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