
Jen Gray

jen gray
Originally uploaded by Boho Photography
I feel all over-a bit panicked about all the photos I have waiting for me.

But this photo of my sweet sweet shero Jen brought me right back to calm.

She has a way about her. A tenderness and caring that exudes from every pore of her being. A strength and power that you see in her eyes and the way she carries herself. A delightful priceless ability to lighten your heart with her laughter, innocence and humor. And a healing touch that balms your heart and soul.

I learn so much from you my dear lovely soul sister.
Your friendship is a wonderful gift that I honor and cherish immensly.

Thank you for bringing me peace.

This is just one of the mind blowing photographs Denise took this weekend. I just love Denise's ability to connect with her subjects heart and capture the essence of each artist she photographs.

So looking at this beautiful photo I was reminded to stay present today.

To savor the little 3 yr old boy I have. Walking away from the computer when he awakens from his nap early so we can go measuring with his ruler. Pulling myself back in the moment when he rides off on his bike announcing "I am going to get you a treat" and then returns with a crab apple in his hand that he hands to me delicately. I hold out my hand to receive this gift.

And then I offered a bath and a wet sponge fight as an alternative when he wanted to swim in the pool that we closed and covered last week. I laughed and played instead of worrying about the photos. It feels good to stay in my heart.

Tomorrow is another day.


Blogger boho girl said...

yummy her.
yummy you.

i heart you guys.

you make me blush and fill me up.

i love YOU.
toe to toe.

9/18/2008 10:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and i thought i was done crying for the week....
thank you. all of you. love you. and learning to have a wee bit more love for myself because of who you are.
can my heart swell any more ?
i had no idea...

9/18/2008 12:01 PM  
Blogger jenica said...

it feels good to stay in my heart. thank you for this. my emotions have been right at the surface since the dark morning i left for squam. but this, this has put me over the edge.

you are a gift.

yes, toe to toe

9/19/2008 1:54 AM  

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