~This quote “Satisfaction is never in the future outcome of some hoped for event. Satisfaction always lies right where you are.” From this book from a dear soul sister friend.

And the reminder in this http://bohemiangirldesigns.blogspot.com/ post she wrote, that we need to participate in our own happiness. It takes conscious thought and effort.
~ I just started reading Eat Pray Love for the second time. I am taking it slow so that I can meditate on all 108 bits. The quote on happiness Deni shared on her blog made me smile thinking about all the gems that await me in coming pages.
~ Playing with making Triptychs and using layers in photoshop. Soooooo fun!
~ These amazing beautiful love nuggets that suprised me a few weeks ago.
I have savoured, moved around my studio with me depending on where I am working most and smiled each time I absorb the love that emits from them. Mermaids http://dancingmermaid.com/blog/ really are magicJ
~ The soundtrack to Once. I want to listen to it non stop. The two artists remind me of a combination of Radiohead and The Weepies. Each time I listen to the cd I fall more in love. I am a bit curious to what heights this can reach. Because the only thing I can imagine is maybe ending up listening to it on my I pod while I sleep.hee hee. Just kidding. I need quiet when I sleep.
~ That I will have one of my photographs on an album cover. I can’t go into details yet, but I am super excited and flattered. The group was just signed with a label and will be releasing their first album soon.
~ That my show is up in a bigger, newer, super hip, gorgeous coffee shop. That my lovely friend Genine came with me to set it up-even though it meant getting home after midnight.
Congrats on your new show!!!
After reaing boho's post and yours i think it might be time for me too to start reading EPL again. I remember that i loved every single bit of it, because it is so full of wisdom!
april is not soon enough.
love you, baby...so, so much.
you sound truly peaceful here.
good things are happening honey...really, really good things...i'm so proud of you and so excited...i can't wait to hear more about the cover!...you go girl!
Congratulations on the new show and the album cover (!) Great! Your things that make you happy made me smile - I can imagine you getting absorbed in photoshop and happily playing around. Hugs to you, xoxo
yes, yes....do your mondo beyonda list! i printed mine off soi could go back and refresh the memory as needed.
i just put new girls up! thanks for your more than spirited words! i was on cloud nine when i read your comments! you rock.
i love all your happy things.
it seems many of us have picked up EPL again... so yummy.
i love all that is happening for you and i can't wait for the day when we can meet face to face.
congrats on the show! looking forward to more.
Photo on an album? How cool is THAT? Congrats!
oxox :)
Eat Pray Love I am dying to read that book. Its nice to be back and seeing your inspiration.
your life sounds delicious.
such magic surrounds you!
mccabe x
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