Gratitude list

1. That Baby Boho arrived safely into this world and is with his wonderous parents.
2. When my son gives me this look, says "me too" when I tell him I love him, gives eskimo kisses, tells me "that's cool" after we set up a domino/block/car/marble set up and succesfully popped the balloon at the end, reads me stories while we lay on his bedroom floor by the "pretend fire" he made us from his blocks, aks me to lift my head so he can put a pillow under it, and carefully covers me with his blanket.....
3. The book "Never eat alone" my husband brought home from the library. It is a great book about relationship building and business. Extremely enlightening.
4. The fact that I finally know how to use an umbrella, softbox and my flash.
5. That tonight I am going with a few girlfriends to see Twilight.
6. This weeks True Blood episode.
7. Domino magazine
8. That I am busy with work.
Your little boy is precious - what wonderful memories you're making.
Hey you -
I'm grateful for YOU!! I hope you had a wonderful time!!
Thinking of you.
what a sweet boy you have... he must have a sweet mama. ;-D
these are all such great things. and in regards to figuring out all of your camera... i can't wait to see what you've been up to!
so wish you were closer. just know i've been thinking about you a lot lately and missing you.
love and miss you
and way glad you are in my life.
and that boy, mmmm. i could just eat him up!
jen gray
That look is priceless!
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