
There is so much going on that my thoughts are just everywhere. I am really trying to stick to posting everyday and the "be brave" challenge so here are some fragmented things, it is the best I can do:)

I decided to email TRUNKT the following:

Hello-I know you don't automatically issue explanations to your rejections, but I was hoping maybe you could make an acception. I have applied 3 times and each time have been rejected and I was hoping for some feedback as to what is is about my stuff that doesn't fit. Price? Quality? Style ( I am not sure here since there are other ttv artists on trunkt-I thought making jewelry from my photographs was a unique spin)?. I am new to this business and respect that people have their own tastes and not everyone will like my stuff. I also know I have a lot of room to grow as an artist. I just love your site, connect with many of your artists, and would love to know how I am seen by your judging staff. Thank you for your consideration.Warmly,Thea Coughlin

and got this response:
Thea - your photography prints are beautiful. Jewelry is a ridiculously competitive category. My hint would be to apply with just your photography prints. Our jury likes to see focus...Best,(very nice lady at trunkt:) name with held.

So folks I get to send 3 pics to them. Send me your suggestions. I am planning on emailing them early this afternoon and would love to get your ideas. The jury likes to see focus-does that suggest I send all ttv photos or all non ttv photographs?

or you could just vote for the combos below.

The first 5 people who reply with three-just three suggestions that should be submitted together, will get one of my new plastic pendants with the photo of their choice. Please be sure to email me your address to thea@theacoughlin.com


Blogger kelly barton art + design said...

halo of happiness
cotton candy
welcome fun

i love your photographs.

11/15/2007 11:16 AM  
Blogger Indie Mama said...

hi there!

delurking (i found you through boho girl awhile back, just never got around to commenting...bad blogger!) to throw my 2 cents in:


all your prints are beautiful, but i love those three, and they're all each kinda different, so you'd get to show some different aspects of your photography even though you can only submit 3.

good luck!

11/15/2007 12:00 PM  
Blogger Marianne said...

Oh wow - I am hopeless and chosing. So I'm really sorry to be no help. But I am sooooo impressed and inspired by your courage in writing to ask for feedback, so happy that you got an answer and that the door is now open for you...

You are a champion!

11/15/2007 12:00 PM  
Blogger Stacy said...

hi gorgeous ~

i love the idea of FOCUS. a word i must remember.

i adore:
cotton candy

good luck!

11/15/2007 12:01 PM  
Blogger Stacy said...

an alternative set could be:

white rose

so yummy and amazing b&w studys

11/15/2007 12:08 PM  
Blogger PixieDust said...

I vote for #4... I just love this combo...


11/15/2007 12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too late (as usual) to get a prize (= but I do adore 1, 2 and 3. Hurray for being able to put yourself out there with bravery and an open heart. You got such a beautiful response, I will remember your courage when I need to do something that might not be so comfortable. You rock sister. xo

11/15/2007 12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love # 4, too!!! ~ruby

11/15/2007 12:57 PM  
Blogger Sarcomical said...

hi ;) i know it's late for voting since you got accepted already! (yay!) i've been following you for a little while via denise (boho girl) and just want to say how much i personally love your photographs and jewelry.

i was wondering if you have a good suggestion for choosing a lab to print, as i'm trying to get to a point where i can begin to sell my own some day soon (hopefully) as i get more processed that i feel comfortable putting "out there".

very happy for you!!!

11/18/2007 1:28 AM  
Blogger Michelle (a.k.a. la vie en rose) said...

your work is so yummy!

11/19/2007 3:19 PM  

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