
Artfest spot

I am so sad about this. I wanted to go so badly, but I have to try to sell my spot to Artfest.

Tears fall as I write this as I wanted to meet so many lovelies there. I was blessed to get into a class with Misty and two other great ones as well.

If any one is interested. I have a dorm room, lunch, dinners and my class line up is
Thur: kazmer
Fri: mawn
Sat bagby

I have given Teesha $300 of the 4650 for my package. She need the remaining $350 asap.

email me at thea@theacoughlin.com if interested.


Blogger Melanie Margaret said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

2/20/2008 9:15 AM  
Blogger Melanie Margaret said...

just reading your last few posts.
Sending you all my love.
please keep breathing and believing in how truly Wonderful you are!

2/20/2008 9:17 AM  
Blogger Melanie Margaret said...

I was the deleted comment because I thought my comment didn't go through ~I keep getting this "blogger timeout" when I press publish your comments.

2/20/2008 9:19 AM  
Blogger Stacy said...

oh honey, i am so sorry. is there anyway you can come to california instead so we can love on ya? xoxo

2/20/2008 12:46 PM  
Blogger pERiWinKle said...

big hug! xx

2/20/2008 1:17 PM  
Blogger meghan said...

i am so sorry. I know how much that meant to you. I promise I will see you THIS YEAR no matter what. I PROMISE.

i love you.

2/20/2008 4:30 PM  
Blogger Michelle (a.k.a. la vie en rose) said...

i'm so sad...

2/21/2008 10:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh Thea, i am sorry you won't be able to be there. you know how much i was looking forward to seeing you, but i really understand. I am thinking of you and sending you much love. take care of yourself.
btw..i just heard the rehab song this week and blushing when i say i love it, too. ;-)
love you dear! xoxoxo

2/24/2008 9:52 AM  

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