My boy who appreciates flowers as much as his momma.

Our 15 year old siamese cat named Q. He is 17 pounds and a total lover. Trey is very gentle but Q is the only one who seems to enjoy acting like a teddy bear for Trey.

A few of the dandelions have gone to seed.

Last week I was going to enter a contest in our local paper for tulip related photos. I was trying to put a tulip in my god daughters ear but she wouldn't comply-so Trey of course the helpful one volunteered to instead. I missed the deadline for the contest (I am adjusting to a very busy schedule and still have some acclimating to do). Yesterday Trey picked one of our tulips and placed it behind his ear. I just love his personality.

I have been on a reclaim my health venture. For a month now I have been eating really simple and healthy (3 meals a day) taking one pilates class and one yoga a week, meditating each morning and taking time to laugh each day.
So here I am - for the first time in I can't remember how long where I caught a candid self portrait without worry of how I may appear. I also just got highlights - not so happy with the job she did (I couldn't get in with the great new hairdresser I had found- so I went to a woman I used to go to-even though I wasn't happy the last time either:(
I just ordered the pro base color from ebay yesterday so I will be happy with my color soon:)

And I took my first nature/flower shots in a long while yesterday. That was fun!

What has spring been for you?