I have been swirling in my nicotine withrawal spacey head. I keep meaning to post and then there seems to be too much to say. Too much concentration required. LOL. So a bit of a rambling post.......
I am listening to a podcast about the poetry of Rumi. Can I say how silly I feel that I have been very slow on getting keyed into podcasts. What a great thing to listen to while doing computer work. The Ecstatic Faith of Rumi (December 13, 2007) 53:00 12/12/2007 Fatemeh Keshavarz brings Rumi's exuberant poetry to life
and from the podcast: Love allows you to feel the pain and still go forth. Steadfastness supported by love.
I love Amy Butler fabrics-especially for summer. I love these bags:
Bag 131 by Cottoncandyboutique
Peony pleated bag by atouchofstardust
ok I could browse for bags all day. hee hee. I need to move on to work.
I am working on fine tuning my portrait offerings. I am finding it all sooooo fun!!!! I created this order yesterday. It turned out so lovely.

Quotes that I had to rewind and write down as they are so key for me right now:
"Wherever you are, whatever you do be in love"
A quote that made me think of my closest friendships
"when pain arrives side by side with your love, I promise not to flee"
and for Deni specifically: "your charm has taught me the way of love"

I am working on getting my business info organized. I have a big goal to manifest: paying off all of my business investments in time to be able to go to Squam. To do this I need to use my time wisely. Organization is key in being efficient. I am investing today and tomorrow while my son is at camp to get this aspect set. I just downloaded Blinkbidpro4 for a free trial. It looks interesting.
I also am looking for a link I stumbled upon the other day and now cannot find:) But in sitting to look for it, I have found a lot of other yummy things by looking through all my favorites.
A friend of mine asked me if I knew of any nice summery bags on etsy. She feels a bit overwhelmed when searching etsy. This is a downside for those unfamiliar and many of us that are somewhat familiar:)
I have a Tracy Joy camera bag that I love.

Biddie Birdie Tote by Simplesweetcakes

Sweet purse by Freshlypicked

Hipster bag by Clutterbag

i am totally behind on podcasts too!
it IS a great idea to listen to them while working. how brilliant...thanks for that inspiration, love.
all these links are delish.
i LOVE what you designed honey. wow...just gorgeous.
your mojo is still super duper strong even through your nicotine withdrawl.
you amaze me.
loving you.
toe to toe.
Did you try looking through the history section to find the link you're trying to locate? Also in case you don't already use it Hay House radio online has some good radio shows.
oh drooling...how are you girlie
just sending you some extra strength...
i love bags-
why did you have to tempt me thea?
the birdie bag is calling my name.
mccabe xx
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