
A leg up and 8 random things

A leg up
Originally uploaded by colorsonmymind

I was tagged by Stacie Brittany and Susannah


We have to post these rules before we give you the facts.
~ Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
~ People who are tagged write their own blog post about their eight things and include these rules.
~ At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and they should read your blog.

1. I can be very impatient when doing home diy projects and often end up making irreversable boo boos. Like ripping up tack strips off the stairs hastily leaving gouges in the wood. One day I decided I should cut the long cords to our blinds after seeing a tv show about young children hanging themselves by accident from them. In my rush, I cut them while the blinds were up, which means that now the cords are too short to let the blinds down in our spare bedroom-so when guests sleep over I have to hang a sheet over the windows.

2. My favorite drinks are Margaritas and red wine. White wine makes me violently ill for days after drinking it.

3. I read in bursts. I can go months without reading a novel-then when I pick one up it is often the beginning of a 10 book marathon where I read almost one a day. In the past 2 weeks I have read the first 2 books in the series The hot flash club ( my husbands aunt was giving away some books-my husband thought it was funny that I was reading books with hot flash inthe title.) I am currently reading Open house and the third book in the hot flash club at the same time. I read so many n a row I often forget the names of them as soon as I start a new one. I do remember I just finished another John Sandford novel-good murder mysteries. All of these are light reading. I wish I could get through my new Photoshop book this quickly:)

3. I am someone who believes that no matter how awful ~ all things that happen to me are a learning experience that can make my character stronger. It has helped me get through my mothers death, all my miscarriages and my appendicitis without falling apart-I guess because I try to focus on the opportunities it provides. The down side is I often don't give myself permission to just be mad about it which is healthy too.

4. I am scared as all get out about marketing my business.

5. I am pretty easy to convince on things if someone has a flawless argument. The challenge is making your argument flawless:)

6. I often hold my breath when I am stressed or scared. This is why yoga does such wonders for me.

7. I will eat or drink any vegetable ~ happily.

8. It is much much easier for me to learn when I can ask someone clarifying questions. I always raised my hand alot in class. I am very comfortable speaking in front of large groups of people, especially teenagers:) that was a big part of what I loved about teaching-the only exception was at my mothers wake.

I think I am a bit ehind on tagging-so most of you may have been tagged already. I tag: Sarah

Elena , Romina, Claire, Vedrana,


Tanaya, and




Originally uploaded by colorsonmymind
Doesn't this orchid look like the facial expression the band KISS is famous for?

Shoot to the moon

I am at my inlaws this weekend. My sister in law is letting me borrow her Sigma zoom lens. I was out in their neighborhood last night at 1am trying to shoot to the moon:)


"If you can see it in your mind, Thea, it's real. And if you can consistently hold onto that image, if only when you visualize each day, the hard part is done.
All that remains is merging the two worlds together, the present and the one you've imagined, which is my part. And you can best help me align circumstances, coincidences, and chance encounters by getting busy, going out into the world, and moving in the general direction of your dreams, even if only to do what your peers might do, who know not of life's magic.
But you know the truth, Thea. You know how life works. Do not waiver in your march. No matter how humble your steps, this is how I will reach you. And as you witness one dream come true after another - first the small ones, then the big ones, then the huge ones - you'll remember why you were first drawn to the jungles of time and space... if you haven't already figured it out.
Crazy kid,
The Universe "

I keep sharing these messages I get in email from www.tut.com because they are just so helpful when I read them first thing in the morning.

Thank you Misty for telling me about this great thing that makes me smile each and every weekday.

Today Sarah dropped off the book "Crafting as a business" for me to borrow for the weekend. I am excited to devour it. I feel a bit out of my element with all the accounting and business stuff. I really need to get all my paperwork organized in a better way and I have been searching a bit on a good software program that is affordable. I want to ask all of you business owners-what do you use to keep track of inventory, sales etc. I would love to hear what works for you.


Mish mash

I am tired of not posting because my mind is all over the place so beware my posts will be a bit scattered.

1. I had a fabulous decadent evening last night. My husband is out of town on business-I mistakenly gave my 2 year old son a few bites of tiramisu (lady fingers dipped in espresso) and so he was wired and unable to sleep. So we sat on the couch watching dvr'd so you think you can dance while eating watermelon and giggling our heads off for no reason other than I find him hysterical and he finds my laughter contagious. At midnight we fell into bed together snuggled up and fell asleep. To top of the gloriousness-I am now sitting here drinking coffee at 8am (no I have yet to completely give it up-and I woke at 6am with the intention of wrapping some orders) while he is still sleeping. Hmmmmm I have a feeling my husband keeps the house running normally:)

2. I have been trying to focus on the b usiness end of my business especially marketing-while also learning photoshop cs3 and how to use my duaflex to take the pics I want. I feel frazzled a bit. At times I just feel like I should quit and go back to tutoring. Live the simple life. Have a clean house. Have a kept up yard and put away laundry. LOL. But for some reason I can't help but feel this is an opportunity I just couldn't forgive myself for giving up. So I am trying to put my nose to the grindstone and get some of the business stuff dealt with.

Kelly Rae Roberts has been on my mind a lot lately as an inspiring force. I stumbled on her blog about a year ago-right when I started to create regularly. Reading her archives documenting her rise to success sticks in my mind and these past few weeks of intense thought and going out of my comfort zone with my business I have often thought of her and her hard work. She seems to have dedicated herself to doing it-giving her art a fighting chance by balancing creating with proper business and marketing. Her work is just fabulous as well.

3. My house is such a disaster. I just don't seem to have the time to keep it from looking messy and disorganized. From some of my searching around I found 3 great great shopping/decor blogs. anothershadeofgrey she scours the web and finds the coolest stuff and tells you about it-and she also will give people tips on how to liven up a room in their house. I am tempted to send her pics of at least 3 rooms that are in dire need of decorating but I think I am too embarrassed:) The other two are Decor 8 and Rare Bird Finds. This blog is super cool as well. If you have any great shopping blogs please tell me about them. I am looking to redo my sons bedroom, our bedroom and my bathroom on a budget. When you may ask do I plan to do this? I have no idea.LOL

4. I just made arrangements for a graphic designer to create a logo for me and to design a postcard/one page catalog for me. She is allowing me to have 90 days to pay her-and is doing part trade. I am nervous about making the investment but hey-how will I ever sell more without getting my name out right?

OK I really have to go wrap those orders.



Originally uploaded by colorsonmymind
"Luck is not chance-
It's Toil-
Fortune's expensive smile
Is earned - "

-Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

I would say I am fully recovered from surgery. Last night I cracked open the new Brian Kest Power yoga DVD I just got. Holy smokes folks I adore his way of teaching.

Even though I am still very inflexible and not strong enough to do some of the poses-I feel reassured by his words. I think it will be easy to grow with these DVD's without getting bored. I am super psyched.

If you are looking for a good workout and a decent yoga DVD you might want to give him a try.


This came to me in my universe email this morning and I thought it was pretty insightful:)
When your dreams or "end results" are stated generally, in broad brush strokes, like wealth and abundance, friends and laughter, health and harmony, then please, by all means, Thea, attach yourself to them. Attach, attach, attach. There is no limit to what you can have and no reason to expect anything less.
But when your end results are specific, like the ultimate car, a hot date, or a home in the country, do not attach, do not attach, do not attach.
Material details and specifics are always "how" to get to a grander picture of your life and are never important in and of themselves. They're "cursed hows" disguised as end results. Steps disguised as destinations. By all means, think of them, put them in your scrapbook or on your vision board to remind yourself of the kind of possessions and adventures that are your birthright, but do not give them an importance, through attachment, greater than what you are truly after: a fuller, richer life with all cups running over, the details of which will take care of themselves, when this is your end result.
Bok choi, baby - The Universe


Thank you for all your kind warm wishes.
I am recovering. I have had a lot of help from family and friends since the surgery-which has been amazing.
I have been supervised by them regularly since I tend to do too much when I should be resting.LOL. My stomach feels pretty crampy when I move around alot so then I just lay down and rest take a pian pill and it feels better.
I got a few things done today-had a chance to update my etsy-which felt great.
Thank you for the compliments on my photographs-they have brought me so much joy-taking them and post processing them.
All of the photos here and on my flickr are available in 8X10 prints for $15-even if they aren't listed on etsy.
ok I am off to rest a bit.



"For we must share, if we would keep, that blessing from above; Ceasing to give, we cease to have; such is the law of love."

~Richard C. Trench


Originally uploaded by colorsonmymind
Sorry Blog was down for a few days.

In the meanwhile-I was struck with appendicitis and had to have my appendix removed the day before yesterday. Just got home from the hospital today.

I had laproscopic surgery-so I hope to heal quickly. The pain is still pretty strong today but the pain meds help.

Will be back soon.


Self Portrait ~ Earth

Does this qualify for the theme? I have been so busy I didn't realize that June was over-so I really had environment in mind here.LOL.



"If we insist on being as sure as is conceivable. . . we must be content to creep along the ground, and can never soar."

-John Henry Cardinal Newman


Thank you Cinda!!!!

Thank you Cinda!!!!
Originally uploaded by colorsonmymind