Well I guess I have already started the challenge of writing every day and the be brave part too.
Today I sent a self promoting email to decor8. It took a bit of bravery since I was rejected by Trunkt, but being mentioned at Smidge was encouraging as well as getting a table at the market over at Poppytalk Handmade for November. Now I must admit I am going to be paying for my table at Poppytalk and I decided to also advertise at Smidge.
I find myself a bit stumped by the fact that on one hand I want to advertise my shop while on the other hand I feel a bit pressured on time with my shop as it is.
I pride myself on careful detailed packaging- color coordinating the work with tissue paper, ribbon and cards. Including a magnet with the meanings behind the piece as well as including the longer explanation and a note from the gift giver if someone is sending it as a gift to a friend. This brings me joy and takes time.
I am working on getting systems set in place to make this go smooother.
The other day I found myself with my hands in my hair completely flustered at what to do next as I looked around my studio at the disarray. I caught myself and started to rattle off things I am grateful for.
Sending out my work all over the world.
That people have chosen my work to share with friends and family.
That I have all the materials I need
That I have a studio space
That I keep getting more efficient
That I have a table full of new work to share, a vase of flowers in the spare bedroom waiting to be photographed, new materials waiting to be used in new creations.
That I have a husband that supports me
That I love what I do
Time to celebrate