Can you believe it took all my free time over the past 3 days to designs and make this banner?
My oh my, web design is a whole new (complicated) world. It is equivalent to learning a whole new language. Kudos to all of you who have done this already.
I am hoping to have my site ready and functioning in a week or two.
My thoughts are so steamlined toward this that when I try to think of a cohesive blog post, my thoughts come out choppy and scattered. I seem to revert to my old way of writing ~ with super simple sentences and a bullet like format. I hate writing this way!
But I decided last night that I need to try to write here more often.
A few weeks ago I was speaking to Jen on the phone (I have a much easier time talking on the phone than typing-I am a super slow 4 finger typer:) and she was speaking about Darlene. I had connected to Darlene online but not yet on the phone. It seems a bit tough for some reason to take that step with my online girlfriends to ask them to talk on the phone. I am not sure why.
So I asked Darlene if we could chat and after a few days of phone tag, I was lucky to speak to Darlene on the phone the other night. It felt so nice to make this new connection with a blogger friend. I was amazed that although I had never spoken to her on the phone before, I had such ease talking with her and felt like I could stay on the phone with her forever. This has happened with every single one of you lovelies that I have had the chance to talk to! Darlene and I talked about babies ~ whether either of us is ready to try again, or if we should keep following our bliss. It made me long and miss all the connections I have been less present for lately. Luckily I have stayed connected with the girls I met in Seattle through phone chats but the rest of you........I miss you.
I know I have written this before, but checking in on you is like pulling a stray thread on underwear-it just won't end. My bloglines is so full that I get completely overwhelmed. I feel so driven-almost to a fault to try to get the underpinnings set for my business , that when I have my free moments, that is all I focus on. I am a very all or nothing kind of person. I haven't felt like this since I started teaching biology in 2000. So passionate and motivated. It is a great feeling, but I can't help but think of the community that lifted me to the place where I am confident enough about my photography and art to actually start this business.
So I have decided that I will go back to my old plan of reading the blogs that I have randomly put into days of the week folders. I will not make it daunting by expecting to read all the posts I have missed-instead I will do the manageable thing of reading the most recent post and letting you know I miss you.
I have been doing my power yoga a few mornings a week, and Brian Kest (sorry honey but he is super hot) always says the goal is Aquanimity. I had never heard this word before, but I love it. It is exactly what I am looking and striving for.
Ok ...so embarrassed-I just looked up the definition and I spelled it wrong:)
Equanimity (E`qua*nim"i*ty) (?), n.[L. aequanimitas, fr. aequanimus: cf. F. équanimité. See Equanimous.]Evenness of mind; that calm temper or firmness of mind which is not easily elated or depressed; patience; calmness; composure; as, to bear misfortunes with equanimity.