I got this from Arete.com and it so applies to me right now.
I feel that tension, that doubt and it is so damn hard to resist and not snap back to what I have done in the past.
The tension is almost unbearable.
How have you managed when faced with this type of tension? I could use some ideas:)
“The way you create any outcome in your life is to hold the vision of your deepest desires. At the same time, though, you must honestly and accurately assess your current situation and how it relates to your greater vision. By doing this, you engage tension between what is and what can be. This tension is the primary creative force behind the manifestation of any outcome. It’s as natural and powerful as the force of gravity.”
~ David Emerald, Author of “The Power of TED*”
Pick up a rubber band. (Imagining it will be fine. :))
Put it between the biggest finger on each of your hands. Pull your fingers apart, stretching the rubber band. Now, imagine that your right hand is your ideal, pulling away from your left hand, which is your current situation.
Feel the tension?
That tension between your fingers is the same type of tension that exists when you dare to dream and envision your ideal life. The moment we do that, we create what TED from “The Power of TED*” calls “Dynamic Tension” between our ideal and our current reality.
Here’s the challenge: What do we want to do when we feel that tension between our fingers and between our ideal and where we are? Relieve it, right?
As TED advises: “In the case of dynamic tension, you can resolve the tension in either direction. You can let go of your vision and snap back toward your current reality, or you can move from your current situation toward your vision.”
As Victims, we compromise our ideal vision and then bitch that someone’s persecuting us.
As Creators? As Creators, we know that “It’s impossible to invest your soul in a compromise.” So we hold that tension and take what TED calls “Baby Steps” toward our goal.
“It is the Baby Steps you take, the everyday things you do,
that eventually lead to the manifestation of your outcome.”
“Some of the steps you take may end up being detours or out-and-out mistakes.
By staying focused on your vision, though, you’ll find even those steps useful in the creating process.”
Feel the tension and take a Baby Step, baby!!! :)